In collaboration with
Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis
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LINGUA ECCLESIAE 2024 – 7th edition


One month living in Rome Lessons may be followed at home
Latin as the sole language for communication
during class and throughout each moment of the day
Latin as the sole language for communication
during class and throughout lessons
No prior knowledge required No prior knowledge required
Study the entirety of Latin grammar and
learning about 2500 words
Study the entirety of Latin grammar and
learning about 1600 words
Main course:
– Latin language
One chosen by the student from:
– Latinitas Canonica
– Latinitas Liturgica
– Latinitas Patristica
Optional courses:
– Latin in-depth language course
– Composizione latina
– Latin language
 Daily celebration of the Liturgy

Valid for up to 25 ECTS recognized
by the Pontificium Institutum Altioris Latinitatis
at the Pontifical Salesian University